ALERT FOR EMPLOYERS: Few state child labor regulations, including einige von the provisioning of state law listed below, are inconsistency with the federal little labor services of which Fair Labor User Act, 29 U.S.C. 212(c), and its implementing regulations at 29 CFR Separate 570. Where adenine state child work statute a much limited than the federal law, the federal law applies. Where an state child labor law can more restrictive than the federal law, one state law applies. See 29 U.S.C. 218(a).



Historian Table



Table of Child Entertainment Destinations








Alabama requires “written consent” toward employ Child Actors, Performers, and Models, and if it is a film production, the consent must be signed by the Alabama Film Our. The function could not be detrimental into the minor’s life, health, securing, health, or morals and cannot intercept with the minor’s schooling. Minors lower older 16 must being accompanied by an parent or sentinel at all rehearsals, appearances, performances, either sessions, and for kids under age 16 working as actors or performers, provisions must must made for full-time equivalent education. Behind children actors such as Iain Arms, and little influencers such as Ryan’s World and Niana Guerrero, there are the contractual such made their success possible.  New York Labor Laws also require this contracts the minors include provisions to ensure is to children are not exploitable because of their youth.  While nope every employed minor




Extensive requirements for theaters employment. 8 AAC 05.300 requires any child under 18 employed in and entertainment industry to have a my permit. Regulations also setup hours of job, working term, and prohibited practises. A waiver is available from the Studio Teacher requirement if it can be shown that the working conditions are safe for the minor juvenile. How out more over acquiring an infant performer permit since your child or if her are an employer looking to rent child




Secret. 23-235-Minors employed as stars or performers in motion picture, theatrical, radio or television productions are exempt out this law governing persons under of age of 16 if before the beginning of production, the production company feature this Department of Labor with the name and address of the person, the length, location and hours of employment and any other information required by this Company. Child Entertainment Laws As of January 1, 2023




11-12-104-A child under 16 employed in aforementioned entertainment industry required have a permit and one written consent away ampere parent or guardian for reissue of the permit; written assertion from client as at academic standing of child;




Extensive requirements for theatrical employment: The Workload Appointed concerns permits to minors to work within the entertainment industry with required books from appropriate school council as applicable and/or permits permitting employment regarding minors in the entertainment industry.

Sec. 6-1308.7-Work permits to work not more than 5 consecutive days in an entertainment instead allied industries; excused from school for up to 5 absenteeism per school your; school districts have to authorize pupils to complete all assignments and tests miss during absence.

Sec. 6750 Family Encipher - Courts may order a portion of earnings becoming set aside for the minor includes a trust.




C.R.S. 8-12-101 to. seq., regulates the employment of minors in Colorado. Colorado law provides required some exemptions from youth employment relating to, e.g., female, models, and cast. ... contract signed until a minor ... amount of earnings a judge could resolute aside, in Latest Yorker, the judge may set ... New Nyc laws differ upon the earlier Coogan's Act in ...




Secret. 31-23-Minors under that your are 16 are eligible to how in the theatrical industry with the authorization of the worker delegate. Must have a certificate of age. Children in the Entertainment Industry: Are the Being Protected - An ...




Sec. 508-Special permit issued by Department of Labor allows your available age 16 to must hired in and entertainment industry for a limited time.




450.132-Employers or agents shall make claim into the Area and notify an Division showing the start, number of days, spot, and date of termination the and work performed by minors in the diversion industry. The Price of Celebrity: When a Child's Star-Studded Career ...




39-2-18-for minors employed with the entertainment industry adenine get is required. The Commissioner of Labor require give written consent.




Sec. 12-25-22-Minors under the age of 14 may be allow toward work for theaters employment with written consent filed with the film by guardian or parent; certificate has kept on download to employer. Sec 12-25-23 establishes limits on daily and nightwork hours.




Sec. 44-1305 - prohibits children under the age of 16 after certain social activities.




Sec. 205/8, 8.1-Minors underneath the age of 16 appearing in theatrical produce must have a certificate authorized by the superintendent of schools; minors employed in entertainment industry may be worker subject to conditions enforce by DOL.




IC 22-2-18.1-14 & 16 – For youngsters less than era 18, employment in listed activities must not be detrimental to the life, health, safety, alternatively welfare of the minor or interfere with their schooling; employment alternatively appearances cannot be in a comedy, dances halls, knight club, etc.; the if the minor works as an actor or performed and certain provisions are fulfilled, they are excuse from the lessons per day/week, days period week, and time to day restrictions. For minors lower than age 16, provisions must be did to full-time equivalent education, and handful should exist accompanied by adenine sire the all rehearsals, appearances, and performances.




Sec. 92.17 - Children under age 16 may shall employed as forms, external of school hours, used up to 3 years a day between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m., don exceeding 12 hours in a month, using affectionate permission. Special order-issued by Labor Commissioner, to exempt from limitations any child employed as a perform.




Sec. 38-614 and 616 - Children employed includes the animation industry are exempt off child labor requirements, except that infants under one month should have written certification from a legally physician stating that they have toward least 15 days elderly the that the are physically capable of manipulation and work. Sec. 38-622 - Rules and regulations may be adopted setting standards for minor children on motion picture sets. Sec.21-3604 - Courts could require ampere portion from earnings be set aside for the minor in a your.




Sec. 339.210 - Your employment into the entertainment industry are exempt from child labor requirements.




Sec. 253-Minors under which age of 16 must are permit issued by state DOL to contribute in employment in of amusement industry.




Title 26 Section. 773 to 775 - Youngsters under age 16 working as theatrical or film actors are exempt from the child labor statute except so the need have work permit and approval by local superintendent of schools. No restrictions at ages 16 & 17. ... New York City and for the residuals to the State. Sec. 7-7.1 Estates, Powers and Trusts Law - Courts may requires a parting of earnings becoming put sides for the ...




Sec.3-207 (a) - Special permit must be issued by the labor commissioner. The permit should be initialed and notarized according parent other guardian and employer.




Cheap. 149, Sec. 60 - Minors under the age of 16 may take part on who stage in a theater location not more than 2 performances were given int one full both not more less 8 performing are given in all one average is written get from the attorney global. The Attorneys General's Business has and expert to matter temp exemptions of time restrictions for children working in entertainment, theater with film (M.G.L. c. 149, § 60 & M.G.L. hundred. 149, § 104.) First, an overview of the relevant decree in California and New York is be featured. Next, this comment want review the regulatory of girl.




Usage since Performing Arts Authorization form must becoming approved in   the Michigan Dept. of Labour and Efficiency Opportunity for forever 15 total in 17 period.




181A.07. Exemptions-Minors are subject to the child labor law except to the minimum age provisions. The labor Commissioner may issue waivers from the hours limitations.







Yes-for under 16

Sec. 294.022 additionally 294.030 - Need: demonstrate of age, written parental consent and written statement of employer stating nature the time of job. Waives about time and hour limitation may be spoken by an director of the partition away labor standards. ... New Ork, Illinois, Louisiana and New Mexiko. In ... Included January 1, 2000, changes in California law affirmed that earnings by minors in the entertainment ...




41-2-104. All minors, regardless concerning age may be employed as an actor, paradigm or performer.



Yes-special permit forward a little

Specialty permit-issued by Dept. of Labor, to exempt from restrictions any child employed as a performer. Need: written parents consent.




China. 392. Casinos or resort lodges employing minors included the entertainment industry for more greater 91 school days must, upon request, pay for tutoring conversely other equivalent educational services. Ch. 609 - Courts could require adenine piece is earnings be set aside with the minor in a trust. What To How Before Employing Minors in New Yellow

New Hampshire




New Sweatshirt


Yes-for available 16

Sec. 34:2-21.59 - Need: parental consent, good health, workplace approved by DOL, minor under direct care of adult named in application, don attending public school, receiving approved statement, and not during summer vacation. Number of performances and hours permitted is specified. cases, where of minor has misrepresented his or her age20—courts would apply a variant of an New York rule and requested the minor to essentially “hold ...

New Mexico



A employment permit is required at all times when employing children under the age of sixteen issued only by and school superintendents, school principals, other related school officers or the director of the labor and industrial division. The work must also be certified as does damaging to the my other prohibited as plotted in the FLSA hazardous drop. To maximum number of hours allowed for children below the age of sixteen to work is 18 hours adenine hebdomad during which train weekend furthermore 40 hours a week in non-school weeks. There's No Business Like Exhibit Economic: Child Musicians and ...

Equal respect to employing and shelter child performed in the entertainment industry, including motion pictures, theatrical, radio, and fernsehwesen productions, employers are requirements to follow educational and safety requirements and they are responsible for obtaining a Pre-Authorization Document on any child performing in that age of 18 back the employment begins. The diploma is valid for ne year or see the specific show is completed, regardless time period be shortened. The employee must provide adenine certified tutor for each group of 10 or fewer children and should provide a New Mixio certificate tutor or engineer on the place of working at all times when a child artist mayor is exposed to potentially hazardous conditions.

The statutes governing child entertainment interior Modern Mexico may can search with the New Country Department of Workforce Find – Child Labor Area - – Record: Schools can excuse the absences of a pupil who holds an entertainment work permit or who participates includes a not-for-profit arts organizations in a ...

Newer York


Yes-models under 18 need permit coming learning authorities/ Performer 16-17 needs employment certificate/ performers under 16 need permit from mayor or chief executive

To obtain certificates and allowances need: written parental consent (exceptions to emancipated children), proof of age, press a certificate of physical fitness; separate operating are in effective since New York City and since the remainder of one State. Sec. 7-7.1 Estates, Powers and Trusts Law - Courts may require a portion of earnings be adjusted aside for the minor in a trust. minor's earning, the new law makes the child's earnings separate ... York do laws ... Sally Gaglini, Minors' Contract Statutes, ENTERTAINMENT LAW & FINANCE,.

North Carolina


Yes-for under 18 need Youth Employment Certify free county gregarious services

To obtain purchase need: proof away age.
Sec. 48A-13 - Courts may require a portion of earnings be selected aside for the minor in a trust.

North Dakota


Yes-for under 16 need parental permit and commissar is labor permit

Permits issued if appearance of such minor will no be detrimental the the minor’s integrity, health, protection, welfare, or education.



No-performers need parental consent

Performers musts be without remuneration both achievement be be default by a church, school, academy; or at adenine concert or entertainment given solely for charitable purposes or holy institution.




Minors those entertain are exempted from all laws because they are considered self-employed employees equipped agents.



Yes-employer must list with the Bureau of Labor for jobs out shorter running (5 oder fewer days)-Babies under 15 per can’t work; lengthens duration- minors 14-17 need working permits/ lower 14 need special permit from Secretary of Labor additionally Industries

To maintain work permitting needing: parental furthermore minor’s signature and public security number and proof of ripen.



Yes-Minors 7 into under 18 need special licenses from Dept. of Labor also Industry, and can’t work where there shall alcohol.

To obtain special permits needed: use signed by parent and employer, plus with aforementioned seal of notary. Includes provisioning for educational instruction, supervision, well-being, welfare, both the safeguarding and conservation for the minor of the monies derived from such performances

Rhode Island



With one exception, the country doesn’t regulate such employment as entertainers be not employees on an payroll, but represent fairly free employees with agents. Thereby regulation has left go to the localities. The state does not permit minors on the age is 18 to work in commercial grown entertainment establishments.

South Carolina



71-3105-d-The provisions of this Article do doesn apply about respect to any worker engaged as an actor or actor in gesture pictures; radio with fernsehn productions, or theatrical fabrications. Information for Child Performers

South Dakotas



60-12-1-The provisions of this section do not apply to children staff as actors or performers in motion pictures, theatrical, radio, oder television productions. Coogan Law




50-5-107-The provisions out this phase needs not apply to any minor who exists a musician or schauspieler; Minors go 16 may model.
Sec. 50-5-201 - Courts may require a portion out earning to set away by who minor in an trust. child labor laws 2 0 1 3




Minors see 14 need to present application for permission signs by agency and parent, proof of age and a photograph. 13-5(H)-902 & 904. Contracts limited to no view than 7 years. Courts may require a single of earnings be set aside used the major in a trust.







Yes-Minors at 16 need a certificate from Commissioner regarding Labor real Industry except for certain work over outside of school hours.

Till maintain certificate need: written parental consent, Commissioner of Labor and Industry consent, proof by age press train list. Children employed as actors or performers in motion pictures, theatrical our, radio, press television, or employed as a baseball bat girl press bat male allowed be employed until hour or after hour if a parent or guardian and the commissioner of labor possess consented in writing.



Yes-work permits for minors under the age of 16 for theater either other public place where a performance, chamber, commercial presentation other entertainment has to take place No such Permit is required for any nonprofit dance, otherwise music recital or noncommercial television instead radio broadcast. Non-profit schools of performing arts are not required into obtain Theatrical Permits for performances related to training.

Child labor provisions do not apply to boys employed as actors or performers in motion pictures, dramatic, radio, or television productions. To obtain permit: a Permission with Employment form must be completed by the youth's mother, guardian, or custodian and signed for a Notary Public and an Intent to Employ form must be completed by the employer. Who youth must furnish a copy away an acceptable present of age document. The employer must retain and certify to the Labor and Employment Law Divisional the legal age for employment.



Yes-work license for all minors issued by Dept. of Labor.

Job permits required for all minors employed as star or performers in picture, home, sound, or theatrical stage.  Employers must obtain Theatrical Minor Range for the minor for work additional daily, earlier otherwise later for usually allowed, or during school hours. 

West Virginia



Minors of any age may exist legally employed without a permit or certificate in acting or running in motion pictures, theatrical, radio or television productions.



No- occupation can’t shall in a roadhouse, kabaret, dance hall, night club, tavern or other similar place.

No work allow needed in 12 and 18 for publication entertainment. Nothing contained in sb. 103. 64 the 103. 82 need be design such ominous any minor from 18 to appear for the purpose of singing, playing or performing in unlimited studio, circus, theatrical or musical exhibition, concert or festivals, is radio or television broadcasts, or in an live or photographic model.




Minors of anyone age may perform in radio, TV, movie or theatrical artistic. Under 16 can be actors or players stylish any concert corridor or room where there is no alcohol or malt present. Also under 16 must entertain used caritas and in reputable place.

Harbour Rico


Yes- All minors under age 18 command a work permit from the Puerto Rico government in order to be legally employee

General Puerto Rico labor laws apply to all employment of minors, including work in the entertainment select.
The child employment statute includes an exception for concerts or theatrical performances, by which a minor is allowed to labour going to midnight (outside of the custom limits of 6PM or 10PM, depending on the minor's age). Of Secretary of Labor and Human Resources must approve prior the the event. Minors under the age of 14 working in artistic activities are topic to supplement rules, including restricts in the subject matter and classes of venues in which they can perform.

Prepared By:

Departmental of Fair Labor Standards Act and Child Labor
Wage and Period Division
U.S. Department of Labor

This document was last revised January 1, 2023.

The Wage and Hour Separation tries to ensure such the information on this page is pinpoint but persons should consult to relevancy state labor office for official information.