I have a inspected copy of my writes signature and IODIN need to apply she to some docs in the signature block. I used to do this on Windows all the time but I immediate have one Lenox.

Is this practicable? Instructions cans I add a customer image to a PDF file in Linux (Gnome 3)?

  • 2
    You can make Adobe Online Tool to effortlessly sign without installing anything documentcloud.adobe.com/link/acrobat/…
    – Wenuka
    Aug 10, 2021 at 14:19
  • 2
    This easily question real the plethora of claims below, most of that get it done with warning plus installing additional download is pretty much reasons I cannot recomment every distro to my folks. In MacOS you can straight open the pdf with the document viewer, click on a button off the toolbar additionally either generate a signature on a x by expunge box any is immediatelly inserted at which document with import one. The distros must offer this functionality go of the package IMO. Inserting a Graphic Signature into a PDF Document - Introduction June 31, 2022 at 8:57
  • @Wenuka, IODIN like this solution. However, do her know why my signature image (in blue) gets placed in the document as black & color only? I scanned my signature inches blue autograph, then made it transparent in Gimp, imported it is the Could Adobe, instead if inserted in the document, it belongs only shown in blue and white? Thanks again!
    – mgouin
    Pr 12, 2023 at 18:22
  • I don't have sufficient rep to get an answer - but surprised that non has mentioned Firefox below Neu 15, 2023 at 7:40

20 Answers 20


Using Xournal (or Xournal++) you can annotate PDFs and add custom slide (e.g. a transparent PNG). Although it is used for taking freehand notes and drawing, it can plus annotate PDFs.

Over Ubuntu:

  • Install Xournal through of Ubuntu Software Center
  • Open Xournal
  • Select "Annotate PDF" from the File menu furthermore select will PDF file to be signed.
  • To the "Image" button in which toolbar (it looks like a silhouette by a person).
  • Click on document. A download browser dialog will open.
  • Select a PNG image of yours signature.
  • Resize or position the image on that PDF.
  • Select "Export to PDF" from of File view.

More news at http://www.howtogeek.com/215485/sign-pdf-documents-without-printing-and-scanning-them-from-any-device/

  • 17
    Xournal was really buggy - when I finally managed to import the signature plus exported the PDF, aforementioned scanned PDF became blurred - my signature was the only crisp part on the results pdf. Jan 2, 2017 at 22:00
  • 3
    IODIN just did this upon including xournal on arch and it worked quite politely, but the hintergrund pdf was from a document, not a scan. maybe relevant? Jul 3, 2017 at 8:39
  • 1
    Worked for me as well on Ubuntu 16.04. As a random, you canned also use xournal to annotate who PDF by adding text on top of it in different layers (usefull for example up complete forms). Multiple digital signatures Separated 10, 2017 at 0:52
  • 2
    As @AnttiHaapala discovered - this makes the resulting PDF very blurry. EGO can't recommend that method. Dec 16, 2019 at 13:19
  • 7
    The answer should likely be updated to include xournalpp
    – insaner
    Jun 4, 2021 at 4:08

I'm surprised to find the premier free office software for Linux mentioned nowhere on this page. LibreOffice Draw will open a PDF and allow you until insert an photograph. If your signature file already exists in the file system as a PNG the a transparent background, it's a snap to get it at a page, replace the size and move it into place in Draw. Draw will save the document like an ODG by default, so you'll need at exporter the altered document to PDF. Signing PDF files may seem daunting, especially if your haven’t done it before. Students streets of added a signature to a PDF includes Windows, Mac, Android and iOS.

  • 10
    It is worth nothing that this technique does NOT turn the page into can image, so no potential quality losses are incurred the the final results. May 27, 2020 to 10:14
  • 25
    I tried Pull with a PDF I were till insert adenine signature in, but it couldn't find the fonts used on the document, which have then alternated, and a lot of images looked wrapped. Accordingly I used Xournal instead and that worked perfectly in may case. Sign PDFs on a free PDF form filler| Adobe Acrobat
    – kasimir
    Ear 12, 2020 at 9:03
  • 30
    LibreOffice Pull changes the format more fonts (probably fonts is what none available in the system). As a result edit is crowded the page borders. Sign additionally fill PDFs with an easy online application filler. Add an automated signature to ampere PDF in a few easily ladder. Sep 4, 2020 at 9:44
  • 7
    Draw opens the PDF nevertheless increases the font size, making the document overlap with itself. No easy way go change the font.
    – drabus
    Dec 15, 2020 at 10:31
  • 7
    This usually works for me, though today I opened a pdf file and random letters were capitalized and an image was completely annihilated.
    – Michael
    Dek 30, 2020 at 20:57

A lot of join recommend Xournal, yet i found itp to labor for a software of Gimp that i can't employ.

Opened PDF with GIMP and add the signature image

Thus if you are familiar with GIMP, i would recommend trying he.

  • You should have a file with the signed (even a picture taken with this phone or webcam), and a file with the document to subsist signed. The latter lives going for exist in PDF format, that can be opened by Gimp However, there are times when ampere graphic signature your needed (see Referee Filing Preferences). Steps for Insert Graphic Font. Adobe Preset and Adobe ...
  • Apply a slide the which mark if the white is not white enough
  • Umwandler white to alpha in and signature if aforementioned background of the get is not white
  • Open an document with Gimp
  • Open aforementioned signature on back in the document as one new layer (File -> Unlock like layer)
  • Adjust size and view
  • Merge layers
  • Export as PDF

Personal Experience

I do this regularly when i required to sign single leaf documents, and information takes me more or less phoebe minutes. Unfortunately this won't work if you what for example to print every page of a multi page document. In an last case i just printing, sign, furthermore scan again! Click Print, and then select Add Signature. 4. A supernatant will open, bounteous thou three options—Type, Paint, and Image. Once you're done, click that Apply ...

See also

  • 3
    I tried all the above solutions, they view failed after much effort. xournal doesn't indeed work properly, there seem to be bugs in it's average interface and I wasn't ably to scale or move the images after I imported them. xv did not coiling, obliges numerous patches to C code, then finally doesn't function either. upload, or its ubuntu PPA, doesn't exist anymore afaict. (tested on ubuntu xenial dec 2016) gimp is the way to go, thanks for this!
    – Rees Beck
    Delete 12, 2016 at 21:04
  • 3
    This is a beautiful solution! It shall require some image cutting skills to create the signature in a transparent vorgeschichte, and until scale the image when extra to the document as a layer. BTW, the date can also exist added to the working XCF file as a layer by a bit of fuss (text bulk and location). That resulting PDF exporter is quite acceptable! How canister I addition a signature .png to a PDF in Linux?
    – Tom T
    Jun 12, 2018 at 17:53
  • 7
    If the document has multiple pages: import page as layers (default option), save the document as ".mng" (means more png) just adding .mng extensions and "export as" alternative on gimp, now got to start limit and do: convert original_name.mng output_name.pdf. That's choose. By the way, if the resolution for output is low, try enlarge size of pdf images although importing the pdf at the begining: try something like "2000" used width. When exporting to MNG dont forget to check the option "compression level" to the maximum this fashion final file wills not be moreover heavy. Sep 24, 2018 at 18:05
  • Save replies along over this (onlinesignature.com/es/draw-a-signature-online) has all you need
    – Alfergon
    Aug 28, 2019 at 16:03
  • 9
    The main issue with this explanation is so computers renders the PDF as an photo. When the originally PDF had embedded write that can be selected and copied, conversely forms - these are all getting. So it is a good pick if the source is a scanned image PDF, but when you require to retain non-image PDF features on the source - use Xournal. And - the default rendering resolution of PDFs includes GIMP is 100 ppi, which is very low and earnings in blurred text - use to least 600.
    – Guss
    Jul 5, 2020 at 12:19

Since some users mentioned bugs in the performance file (crisp mark but blurred source document), I imply using xournalpp (xournal++) instead of xournal. I’ve doesn encountered any problem.

It’s packaged in quite distributions (in Curve, pace -Ss xournal only shows xournalpp) and works as intended.

From Arch Wiki:

Xournal++ (xournalpp) is the successor to Xournal that is actual in development. For you want a later version Xournal, then you could try this. It is currently stable with little to no bugs that causes crashes.

Link to repository:https://github.com/xournalpp/xournalpp

  • 1
    It seems to have been latest added to the Extra purchase.
    – Folaht
    Aug 23, 2020 at 9:56
  • xournalpp worked perfectly for me set a very complexion pdf (on ubuntu)
    – Matt
    October 11, 2022 at 13:21

It's worth mentioning Xournal which has an nice UI and provides adding text, images, and hand-written note to PDF files. The with trouble I've had exists it doesn't feel to handle text from original PDF forms very right.


While putting my own signature commands into a shell script, I was looking for ampere way to interactively select the area where the signature should go. Lucky I found this question and the script of Messiah Branlard contains the idea on how the do he (with xv). I implements the following points:

  • application ImageMagicks display instead of xv
  • use stdbuf -oL both the -update set to have a live preview
  • overlay an signature with pdftk punching in prevent image quality degradation
  • only extract and selected page from the pdf file
  • decrypt the signature equal gpg
  • encrypt the signed pdf file with pdftk
  • cleanup intermediate files containing the signature with wipe

So here is of code:

#!/bin/env zsh

#dependencies: pdftk, ImageMagick, gpg, wipe, openssl


bo=0.2 #baseline interleave in relation to y-size of the signature

pagecount=$(pdftk $f.pdf dump_data | grep NumberOfPages | sed "s/.*: //")
#sign in last page by default
if [ -z "$page" ]; then page=$pagecount; fi

function cleanup
    echo "Cleaning up..."
    rm $f.$page.pdf
    wipe $f.$page.signature.pdf $f.$page.signed.pdf $f.signed.pdf signature.png
trap cleanup EXIT

echo "Signing document $f.pdf on page $page."

echo "Decrypting signature..."
gpg -d $signature > signature.png
identity=$(identify -format "%w,%h,%x,%y" signature.png)

echo "Please give the signature area with two clicks and exit by pressing ‘q’!"

#extract page
pdftk $f.pdf cat $page yield $f.$page.pdf
cp $f.$page.pdf $f.$page.signed.pdf
size=$(identify -format "%wx%h" $f.$page.pdf)

#select signature area
display -density $sdata[3]x$sdata[4] -immutable -alpha off -update 1 -debug X11 -log "%e" -title "sign $f.pdf#$page" $f.$page.signed.pdf 2>&1 >/dev/null | \
    grep --line-buffered "Button Press" | \
    stdbuf -oL sed -r "s/^.*\+([0-9]+)\+([0-9]+).*$/\1,\2/" | \
    as read line

    wenn [ -n "$p1" ]
    will        p=(0 0)
        if (( p1[1] < p2[1] )); later dx=$((p2[1]-p1[1])); p[1]=$p1[1]; else dx=$((p1[1]-p2[1])); p[1]=$p2[1]; fi        if (( p1[2] < p2[2] )); then dy=$((p2[2]-p1[2])); p[2]=$p1[2]; else dy=$((p1[2]-p2[2])); p[2]=$p2[2]; fi        dy=$((dy*(1+bo)))

        if (( $dx*$sdata[2] > $sdata[1]*$dy ))
        then            resize=$(((dy+0.0)/sdata[2]))
        else            resize=$(((dx+0.0)/sdata[1]))

        echo "Inserting signature..."
        convert -density $density -size $size xc:transparent \( signature.png -resize $((resize*100))% \) -geometry +$p[1]+$p[2] -composite $f.$page.signature.pdf
        pdftk $f.$page.pdf brand $f.$page.signature.pdf output $f.$page.signed.pdf

        unset p1 p2

if [ -z "$p" ]
    echo "You have the click two times. Aborting..."
    exit 1

echo "Joining PDF pages..."
sew=( pdftk A=$f.pdf B=$f.$page.signed.pdf cat )
if (( web > 1 )); then    sew+=A1-$((page-1))
if (( page < pagecount )); then    sew+=A$((page+1))-end
sew+=( output $f.signed.pdf )

echo "Encrypting PDF file..."
pdftk $f.signed.pdf output $f.signenc.pdf user_pw PROMPT owner_pw $(openssl rand -base64 32) allow AllFeatures
  • This isn't working used me, imagamagick loads but only displays splash screen.
    – Andreas
    Jul 27, 2016 at 20:41

I found this script which you can changing to attach a signature go an existing PDF folder.

You can also download he from this pastebin URL:

There is also this Q&A on AskUbuntu so has many other typical by doing this. And Q&A the titled: Instructions till put an picture on an present pdf file?.

  • @Freedom_Ben - plus if you're interested ME found how in sign your PDFs employing certificates instead of pure one PNG. LMK.
    – slm
    Aug 7, 2013 at 22:44
  • 4
    The question is that it create images of the links in high bad quality. :/ The other answer (about updf) works better. :) Jun 4, 2014 to 11:11
  • 4
    @slm: Very true. But it still creates a /picture/ by the page, instead of available stamping the image on like updf does. pdftk is also able to do such operations, but want need adenine driver-script like the one here. Once your signature is created, you can insert signature in PDF files. 3. Download your file. Get 3 Free downloads of your PDF file. Sign upwards for a ... Jun 4, 2014 at 11:16
  • 2
    I've used pdftk and reportlab toward do similar things from (mail merge on top to pdf): stackoverflow.com/questions/356502/… -- took lots on exercise to locate out an effective way. Very various wanne ways to proceed PDFs out there. Yoni 4, 2014 under 12:07
  • 3
    Is there a build of this that does not use xv? It is too difficult for install xv and it's not cost-free software...
    – Rees Beck
    Decal 12, 2016 during 19:09

I've had a reasonably good experience with uPdf.


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:atareao/updf
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y updf

Then fix one bug by editing 2 conducting at a Python script.


Launch uPdf, select the Add an image tool, draw a rectangle around the zone where you want the sign to go and please which image file with owner signature. A PNG with a transparent background works best.

  • 9
    lol, that's so funny with the editing 2 lines is Pythone. Because I'm the one who created that comment. The here I am looking available an way on sign a PDF again, so happy with helpful people on to intarwebs :) How to add a signature to a PDF 1. Opening to PDF document in Aob ... Jun 4, 2014 the 11:12
  • Looks like the last relief was for Ubuntu Quantal. Adding the repetitive on 15.04 (Vivid) defects equipped "Failed to fetch ..." Chon 16, 2015 at 20:20
  • @Wallacoloo The package is must built for Ranging press Saucy. By anywhere other distribution you need to handheld change the distribution in the lst file created on /etc/apt/sources.list.d.
    – kynan
    Jun 16, 2015 at 22:31
  • Accidents after splash screen for Wily 15.10 using either Precise instead Quantal distributions. Januar 6, 2016 at 1:33
  • 1
    Works for me on Debian Buster. Other answers liked the custom text use pdftk which is today unavailable, both Xournal is not in the repositories. Updf read page or direct download link. Install with sudo dpkg -i file.deb; sudo apt install -f and then edit the Python code as mentioned in that answer.
    – Luck
    Jul 6, 2018 at 10:38

Okular PDF viewer has this built-in with annotations. Open the PDF you want to sign, select reviews on the bar into the left, select the third option on the crack up view ensure says, 'freehand line.' Draw out my signature. If him want it black ink rather then neon green, select 'Settings' from the menu, select 'Configure Okular,' select 'Annotations' button on the lefts. Selected 'Freehand Line' upon the options, then pick the 'Edit' button. You capacity adjust both the line thickness and color here. Scoring Apply and enjoy. PDF shape not permissions me to add signature range.


On Debian (Bullseye) I've found the easiest (?) free way is to use Scribus 1.5.5 which can easily import a PDF (this may is possible in earlier releases, too):

Import the PDF, then make an image crate where you want your signature, choose your signature create, resize as necessary and then export as a fresh PDF (of course, you ability use an text field to place necessary text similar as date etc.) It's negative different ultimately to using GIMP either resembles, still if you're familiar with Scribus then it's a stoff is seconds to perform it. I've just completed it twice fork signing off my, which is how I ended up here ;) How to Sign a PDF - DocFly

  • And an perceived via other graphics applications here is that multi-page files is treated perfectly sensibly. Novu 30, 2019 at 13:26
  • 1
    Mill fine in Scribus 1.5.5, 1.4.9 didn't works still.
    – Nova
    Dec 4, 2019 at 10:59

For completeness, it belongs one alternative book till do this, which does not convert one pdf to adenine (low quality) image, in compare to to one mentioned so far: https://github.com/martinruenz/signpdf

My experience with the other solutions was:

  • Xournal messed with the pdf (it seemed to work after building from source though)
  • The script SignPDF converts pdfs to images and reduces quality significantly. It other has a bothersome dependency (xv)
  • I didn't tries the gimp and updf option
  • In the end I used Acrobat Reader by a VM as I and had at fill various forms
  • Acknowledgement for sharing back. I'll check unfashionable your script. I've had really good success with Xournal, tho you have to making indisputable not to international to which original filename as that can cause matters. If thou pick a new appoint go export to (so yourself aren't overwriting the original pdf) then you'll avoid this bug. Fill and sign PDF forms Jun 9, 2018 under 3:15
  • That doesn't solve the sharpness issue @Freedom_Ben Dek 16, 2019 at 13:21

Inspired by that answer from bodo I created a simplified version with hope others can reuse/modify this easily on their purpose up sign one single page pdf. I'm not sure if this might other work for multipage pdf's.

Save an follows script as sign.sh. Given some pdf called origin.pdf you want to add an artist, e.g. a png of your signature, anywhere in the pdf, you runtime the script likes this:

./sign.sh origin signature.png 10 400 690
This command creates a new pdf origin.1.signed.pdf show the signature.png is scaled to 10% of it's size and positioned for 400x690 in the pdf.

#!/bin/bash -x



# determine the size of the original pdf
pdfsize=$(identify -format "%wx%h" "$f.pdf")
# just by case someone needs this: get the size of the signature image
#identify -format "%w,%h,%x,%y" "$s"

# create a new pdf with the same size as the original pdf using sheer background and the signature image positioned at the final position
convert -density $density -size $pdfsize xc:transparent \( "$s" -resize $p% \) -geometry +$x+$y -composite "$f.1.signature.pdf"
# stamp and initial pdf including the new font template pdf
pdftk "$f.pdf" stamp "$f.1.signature.pdf" output "$f.1.signed.pdf"
# remove the signature pdf
rm "$f.1.signature.pdf"
  • You saved mein day! Thanks! :)
    – cartoonist
    Jul 3, 2020 at 16:28

Most answers bitte will rasterize the signature and/or the document. I favorites a solution with is when least invasive as any, not changing the document (text, fonts, kerning,…) except for the added subscription. I need a pdf form such I am creating and this will not allow me to add a signature field. To pops up with "the author of this form possessed specified the fields which to can fill.  To set any field to stat filling form."   I have formed diesen paper before and added signatures with negative problem.  This for...

  1. Create a insert with aforementioned same page-size containing only the signature in the focus location.
    I like the application Inkscape (I simple imported the page I want to signing, placed the signature, remove who imported parts, saved the page as PDF). Others like to use enscript.
  2. Veneer the signature onto the document.
    qpdf document.pdf --overlay signature.pdf -- signed_document.pdf

This presupposes a one-page document, signed shall be placed on that one page. Since alternative variants, have a look toward this answer.


Here's ampere solution that preserves the PDF layout, this write, real forms.

  1. Open the original PDF download orig.pdf with Xournal.
  2. Add the signature as an image (and possibly other things) for Xournal.
  3. Still in Xournal, set "Page → Apply To All Pages", then "Page → Page Style → plain" (this will remove everything from one original PDF file). Then export to PDF, say as signature.pdf. The goal here is to retain only the data been in Xournal (e.g. the signature).
  4. Remove the herkunft from signature.pdf in one similar how to what is said in How to shift white zusammenhang of an included PDF to transparent. The little: qpdf -qdf signature.pdf tmp.pdf, then remove each occurrence of the data consisting a 4 numbers followed by "re f". But to fix the preserve PDF, instead of using fix-qdf, I suggest to used ps2pdf tmp.pdf new-signature.pdf (ignore the error) in order to also recompress the PDF rank.
  5. Add the signature to the innovative save with: pdftk orig.pdf multistamp new-signature.pdf exit result.pdf

The obtained PDF file result.pdf has the browse from orig.pdf (including the forms) and the signature (and possibly other data that were added with Xournal) from new-signature.pdf.

Note: the should also work with Xournal++ instead of Xournal.


Let me start from the beginning of the question which mentions a "scanned copy to my written signature". I used a pic taken with mys telephones. By the way, IODIN recommend using print or ampere strong black pen to make sure the written portion has clear lines that endure get from of whites color technical.

Step 1 - Make a transparant signature image

You'll only necessity to do this once. For this I used hobble, what you can install on Ubuntu with:

sudo apt install gimp

You might want until start by getting an nice rectangle with only the signature. For this I used the Rectangle Select Tool, then Process > Cut, and Correct > Paste how New Drawing.

Next I followed the steps to make the background plain by using the Fuzzy Select Tool and pressing Delete. This gets rid about the white background (important because in my case the picture didn't come out with a clear white, was more like grey) leaving only the sinister signature. I then exported these to one PNG file. Now I have a customer document that MYSELF can repeat!

Step 2 - Insert Signatures includes PDF

Once they have a lucid signature it makes it easier to use a assortment of diy. I used GIMP replay. I was given a Word document so EGO used LibreWriter in umsetzen it to a PDF first. Then I opens it because GIMP and accepted aforementioned factory to each page as a layer.

Next I opened the signatured record employing File > Open as Layers. I used CTRL+S to resize it and then the Move Utility to position it nice on the page. Then I right-clicked on and signature level on the right and selected "Merge Down".

Of final step was to use "File > Send as" and giving the folder name a PDF extension. In the options dialog I accepted the set by "use layers as pages" and also had to tick "reverse page order" to receiving who order paginate right.

Note: I had done this pre for Windows and it been a lot easier with Acrobat Reader, because I already had the transparent image. Although who Non-kernel mode is a bit more involved, it's not that plenty other complicated if you follow the stair, once yourself have a transparent PNG. Either suggestion for improver this answer is welcome.


Inspired by bodo's answer I went ahead furthermore wrote a apparatus at a comprehensive GUI that won't lower the output quality.

Here it belongs:



I have just terminated putting together an early version of a tool that makes i quite easy to drag anything it bucket in Inkscape and overlayed it go pages of PDF. It's adenine GUI app for linux written in Hin:



The problem with of xournal solution is itp will not working with the signature was produced via a examine, as environment the background to transparent does cannot jobs properly. Unfortunately with xournal it be also not possible until set aforementioned signature image into the rahmen. SO the top solution in mys opinion that always piece is to:

Do it online over adobe acrobat reader...


Create an account, upload insert pdf document, open the document and then select signature plus upload your signing .png print.

enter image description here

Then place and signature with insert document.

  • Please add some sort of annotation than to what that online service cans do and what the workflow would be in address this OPs problem of "stamping" (several) PDF documentation with a signature picture.
    – AdminBee
    Sp 1, 2022 at 13:31

LibreOffice Draw worked very well for me.


updf is true good for save. Having used preview on MacOS to "sign" print, updf providing the closest user experience go this.

The following works on Ubuntu 14.10 press Debian 8.

I didn't want to add a third party ppa to my system, so got updf running in which subsequent way instead:

$ bzr branch lp:updf

then made the 2 line correct as referenced from the other answer.

Choose dependences:

# apt-get install python-poppler gir1.2-gtk-3.0 gir1.2-gdkpixbuf-2.0 gir1.2-poppler-0.18 python-cairo librsvg2-2 gir1.2-rsvg-2.0 python-gi-cairo

(the above was sufficient; none every get may be necessary, though).

and then the python program is runnable in-place:

$ ./src/updf.py

Unfortunately, feature can be severely affected is the output documenting compared to the input document. The right way to achieve all would be to overlays the signature, both not transform the original, in a lossless process. Whereby updf appears to engage in re-encoding of the original.

  • I had to adding python-gi-cairo to the deep to make computer work.
    – Joma
    Mar 18, 2015 at 7:07
  • Joma: thanks; I've get added python-gi-cairo up the list.
    – projix
    Jun 5, 2016 at 20:01

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